Emuna Equities

Private Equity

Emuna Equities makes private equity and venture capital investments. Where possible, Emuna Equities looks for investments opportunities which complement and/or leverage other areas of Emuna Equities investment focus, including Real Estate development, Retail, Hospitality, and Financial Services. Further, Emuna Equities looks for companies which would benefit from high level business and governmental relationships around the world.

With regard to venture capital investments, Emuna Equities is interested in high-growth opportunities and generally seeks to invest in companies that have significant recurring revenues, as well as a reasonable path to profitability.

On the private equity side, Emuna Equities focuses on control investments or buyouts of companies with strong management teams and outstanding growth prospects. Emuna Equities looks for companies that have unique or interesting products with a defensible business model and are also interested in companies which may be in financial distress or bankruptcy, provided the above criteria are met

Retail & Wholesale



Venture Capital


Alternative Investments

  • Collectibles
  • Sports Cards
  • Cryptocurrency


Emuna leverages its insight and relationships to invest in Pre-IPO opportunities. Additionally, it capitalizes on its shared platform to capture investment-worthy opportunities in strategic areas of focus.